Sherwood Vegan Market and Nottingham Vegan Market are trading names of Bluebird Wholefoods Limited (‘The Organisers’)
By booking a stall or trading at our Vegan Market you agree to comply with these conditions. Failure to do so may mean that your booking is cancelled or that you are required to leave the site of the market. The Organisers will solely decide whether the conditions have been complied with and their decision is final.
This is a vegan market
ALL products or services sold or promoted MUST be vegan in accordance with the Vegan Society definition. Products must not be made from parts of animals or things made by animals (honey, wool, silk etc) nor should they have been tested on animals. Services should not involve the use or exploitation of animals (eg horse riding). If you are in any doubt about the products you offer, please ask The Organisers for guidance.
Stalls must be booked and fees paid in advance. We reserve the right to refuse or cancel bookings for any reason.
Your fee will be credited or refunded if you cancel your booking more than 7 days before the day of the market. If you cancel your booking less than 7 days before the day of the market, or you do not attend the market, your fee will not be refunded, except at the discretion of The Organisers.
If we cancel your booking, or the market as a whole is cancelled, we will refund the booking fee but we will not be liable for any costs or consequential losses incurred by stallholders due to the cancellation. Stallholders who are in breach of these terms and conditions on the day of the market may be required to leave the site and will not be eligible to a refund of the booking fee or compensation for any additional costs or losses.
Pitches will be allocated by The Organisers but we will try to accommodate stallholders’ requests. Stallholders must keep to their allocated pitches. Stallholders should appreciate that not every stall can be in a prime location and sometimes they will be in a less favourable position. Stallholders should conduct their business within the limits of their allocated pitch and should not trade, advertise, or solicit customers in any other area of the market.
Only one business may trade from a single stall; stallholders cannot share stalls except with the explicit consent of The Organisers.
Stall fees must be paid and funds cleared before the day of the market. The fee covers the cost of organising and promoting the market, operating costs such as insurance, a rental fee for the market site, a market licence paid to Nottingham City Council. There are additional fees for stalls that are larger than a standard size determined by us, for the use of electricity or other services, and for the hire from us of equipment such as tables and gazebos. These fees are inclusive of VAT.
Fair representation
Your stall should clearly display the name of your business. You must deal fairly and honestly with customers. You must not make unsupported health claims for any product or service that you supply or promote. Staff on a stall should have sufficient knowledge of the products they sell to answer questions from customers. Goods offered for sale must be of good quality and fit for their intended purpose.
Stalls must not sell or promote products or services of a sexual, pornographic, racist, unlawful, or offensive nature. Stalls should promote a healthy, positive image of veganism and must not promote any view incompatible with vegan ethics. Stalls must not sell live animals or promote the buying, selling, use, exploitation, or breeding of animals. Stalls must not sell illegal items, counterfeit goods or items that breach another party’s intellectual property, weapons, explosives, fireworks, drugs (prescription or otherwise), controlled substances or hazardous materials. Stalls must not promote pseudoscience or ‘conspiracy theories’, including but not limited to unproven Covid-related theories. In addition our hosts, the church, have asked that we do not ‘promote material of a controversial nature’ and we require all stalls to respect their wishes.
Multi-level Marketing (MLM)
If your business is part of a multi-level marketing scheme then you may sell products directly but you may not use your stall to recruit new associates to your scheme. Many MLMs are thinly veiled pyramid schemes and we may refuse stalls to associates of these schemes.
Stallholders, their staff, assistants, and companions must conduct themselves in a legal, polite, fair, honest, and considerate manner to customers, other traders, the organisers, other users of the venue, and any other members of the public. You must not cause alarm, distress, or nuisance to any person or animal. Nuisances may include: aggressive selling; discriminatory language; foul or inappropriate language; aggressive or inappropriate behaviour; generating excessive or unreasonable noise or smells. Stallholders must treat market customers with disabilities fairly and take reasonable measures to enable them to access the stallholder’s services.
Competition and Choice
The organisers will select stalls to create a diverse and vibrant market. We do not guarantee that there will not be other stalls with a similar offer but we will try to avoid situations where there are too many similar stalls.
Venue & Site Access
Stallholders must comply with conditions relating to site access, vehicle access, and parking. You must not arrive on site before the specified setting up time without permission. You should leave the market site by the specified time. Any fees or costs incurred by The Organisers due to the presence of stallholders outside the designated times may be passed on to the responsible stallholders.
Stallholders must avoid causing any harm or damage to the building or property of the venue and must not cause any nuisance to other users of the building or its neighbours. Stallholders must comply with any reasonable requests or instructions made by representatives of the venue.
Waste & Cleaning
You should remove all waste from the market site when you leave and dispose of it yourself. The Organisers will provide bins for the disposal of rubbish by customers but these must not be used for trade waste.
If you are using the kitchen space, you must clean it and restore it to the condition it was in on your arrival, else an extra charge may be levied for cleaning costs and you will also be liable for any charges made by the venue for cleaning or for overrunning the booking time due to cleaning.
Legal Compliance
Stallholders must have Public Liability Insurance that insures their activities at the market. Any stallholder with paid or volunteer help must have Employer’s Liability Insurance.
All products and services sold or promoted must comply with all national laws and local by-laws. Prices must be clearly displayed on the items themselves, on relevant boxes or containers, or on a list in close proximity to the goods.
Any stall serving food must have local authority food safety registration, must follow good food hygiene practices at all times, and must be able to provide accurate allergen information for all food products. Any stall selling cosmetics must have product licences and test certificates. Produce weighing, labelling and signage must comply with Trading Standards legislation. Stallholders selling organic food must display details of accreditation (issuer, certificate number and date of issue) on their stalls.
Stallholders should ensure that all appropriate licences have been obtained for any activity on their stall. For example, temporary event notices are required for the provision of alcohol or entertainment. Before applying for any licence relating to the market site, permission must be obtained from The Organisers. Stallholders are required to provide evidence of appropriate insurance, licences and permissions to The Organisers on request.
Health & Safety
Stallholders must comply with all relevant Health & Safety law. They must complete a H&S risk assessment for all activities on their stall and mitigate risks. They must comply with any instructions from The Organisers regarding H&S issues.
All electrical equipment used must be in good condition and have a valid PAT test certificate.
Gas appliances, lit candles, or other items that may be sources of fire must not be left unattended.
Covid Safety
Stallholders must include a consideration of Covid safety in their risk assessment and must take appropriate measures to operate in a Covid-safe manner. Stallholders are advised to wear masks while inside. Any stall serving food or with goods that may be handled by customers should provide sanitising hand gel for customers. Unwrapped food should be protected by sneeze guards.